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User Management Commands

Changing a Password

Running the following in a terminal changes the password of an existing user without affecting other account settings, e.g. if you cannot remember the currently set password or if there was a problem configuring the initial admin account (replace [username] with the username of the account you want to update):

photoprism passwd [username]

Note that when you use Docker Compose and do not already have a terminal session open, you must prepend docker compose exec photoprism so that the command is executed within the photoprism container, for example:

docker compose exec photoprism photoprism passwd admin

This also applies to other terminal commands, including those listed below.

The examples in our documentation use the new docker compose command by default. If your server does not yet support it, you can still use docker-compose or alternatively podman-compose on Red Hat-compatible distributions.

Removing a Password

Changing the authentication of an existing account to a password-less provider like OIDC will not remove a previously set password, so it can still be used to log in (optionally also with 2FA).

If a local password has been set for such an account that should no longer be used, you can remove it by running the following command in a terminal:

photoprism passwd --rm [username]

Managing User Accounts

As an alternative to the web user interface, you can run the following commands in a terminal to perform tasks such as adding, viewing, editing and deleting user accounts:

CLI Command Description
photoprism users ls [search] Searches existing user accounts
photoprism users legacy [search] Searches legacy user accounts
photoprism users add [options] [username] Adds a new user account
photoprism users show [username] Displays user account information
photoprism users mod [options] [username] Modifies an existing user account
photoprism users rm [username] Removes a user account
photoprism users reset --yes Removes all accounts and resets the database

Users who experience login problems after upgrading from development builds, or old releases prior to November 2022, can run the photoprism users reset --yes command to recreate the session and user management database tables so they are compatible with the current version. Note that any client access tokens and app passwords that users may have created will also be deleted and must be recreated.

Command Options

The users add and users mod commands support these flags to set or change account properties:

Command Flag Description
--name NAME, -n NAME full NAME for display in the interface
--email EMAIL, -m EMAIL unique EMAIL address of the user
--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD PASSWORD for local authentication (8-72 characters)
--role value, -r value user account ROLE (admin, user, viewer or guest) (default: "admin")
--auth PROVIDER, -A PROVIDER authentication PROVIDER (default, local, oidc or none)
--auth-id ID authentication ID e.g. Subject ID or Distinguished Name (DN)
--superadmin, -s make user super admin with full access
--no-login, -l disable login on the web interface
--webdav, -w allow to sync files via WebDAV
--upload-path value, -u value upload files to this sub-folder
--disable-2fa deactivate two-factor authentication

Creating a New Account

The photoprism users add command creates a new user account or offers to restore a previously deleted account with the same username if it exists. For example, you can run the following to add a new admin account with the username "bob" and the password "mysecret":

docker compose exec photoprism photoprism users add -p mysecret -n "Bob" bob

If you do not specify an initial password with the -p flag, you will be prompted to enter a password for the new account. Further account properties can be set with the flags listed above.

Some user account roles such as User and Viewer are currently only available with a membership to support development and maintenance.

Viewing Account Details

To view the account properties of a specific user, use the show subcommand:

docker compose exec photoprism photoprism users show bob

Searching User Accounts

To list all existing accounts, you can run the following:

docker compose exec photoprism photoprism users ls

With the photoprism users ls command, you can also find specific accounts based on a search term you provide:

docker compose exec photoprism photoprism users ls bob

To display a description and the available options for a command, use the --help flag:

docker compose exec photoprism photoprism users ls --help

Viewing Login Attempts

For security reasons, the authentication logs are not accessible from the web user interface. They can only be viewed in the application service logs or by running the following command in a terminal:

docker compose exec photoprism photoprism audit logins [username]

Command Options

You can combine it with these flags to change the output format and the maximum number of search results:

Command Flag Description
--md, -m format as machine-readable Markdown
--csv, -c export as semicolon separated values
--tsv, -t export as tab separated values
-n LIMIT LIMIT number of results (default: 100)

Example Report

Client IP Username Realm Status Last Login Failed At user api OK 2023-02-03 07:17:46 viewer api OK 2023-02-03 07:16:55 admin api OK 2023-02-03 06:55:06

Run photoprism audit reset --yes to clear all audit logs and reset the database table to a clean state.

Session Management

You can use the following terminal commands to generate, inspect and, if necessary, delete access tokens for the authentication of browsers and other clients (including app passwords):

CLI Command Description
photoprism auth ls [search] Lists currently authenticated users and clients
photoprism auth add [username] Adds a new authentication secret for client applications
photoprism auth show [identifier] Shows detailed information about a session
photoprism auth rm [identifier] Deletes a session by id or access token
photoprism auth reset --yes Resets the authentication of all users and clients

In order to grant limited API access to other applications and services, the photoprism clients add command lets you generate OAuth2 client credentials for them, or you can use the photoprism auth add command to generate access tokens with a limited scope and lifetime.

Learn more ›

Should you experience login problems, for example after upgrading from a previous release or development preview, we recommend running the photoprism auth reset --yes command in a terminal to reset the auth_sessions table to a clean state and force a re-login of all users. Note that any client access tokens and app passwords that users may have created will also be deleted and must be recreated.