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Setting Up Your Development Environment

Step 1: Use Git to Clone the Project from GitHub

Before running any commands, please make sure you have Git, Make, Docker, and Docker Compose installed on your system. These are available for Mac, Linux, and Windows.1

In case you are using Ubuntu Linux, you can run this script to install the latest Docker version including the Compose Plugin on your computer in one step:

bash <(curl -s

When working on Microsoft Windows or Apple macOS, you need to install the latest version of Docker Desktop and also disable "autocrlf" in Git to avoid errors2:

git config --global core.autocrlf false

Now change to the directory where you usually keep your development projects, and run this command to download the project from GitHub:

git clone [email protected]:photoprism/photoprism.git

Once all code has been downloaded, change to the project directory which should now exist:

cd photoprism

Developing on Windows

Our standard development environment can also be used on Windows if you have Git, Docker Desktop, and a suitable IDE like GoLand installed. However, we recommend running the required docker compose commands manually instead of using make docker-build and make terminal. Learn more ›

Step 2: Launch Your Local Development Environment

Pull the latest Docker images and then launch the pre-configured build environment we provide to have an isolated development container pre-installed with all the tools you might need, including the latest versions of Go, NodeJS, and NPM:3

make docker-build
docker compose up

This environment is for testing and development purposes only. Do not use it in production. Also note that our examples use the new docker compose command by default. If your server does not yet support it, you can still use docker-compose or alternatively podman-compose on Red Hat-compatible distributions.

Step 3: Install the Dependencies and Start Developing

Open a terminal to run commands directly in your local development environment:

make terminal

Before starting to build, make sure all dependencies, such as NPM packages and TensorFlow models, are installed:

make dep

Congratulations! You can now build the frontend assets (JS), compile the backend binary (Go) and then run a custom PhotoPrism version in your local environment:

make build-js
make build-go
./photoprism start
After PhotoPrism has been started as shown above, the user interface can be opened in a web browser by navigating to one of these URLs:

In the build environment, the default login is admin with the password photoprism. You can disable it with the --public command flag:

./photoprism --public start

You can find the default settings in the compose.yaml or docker-compose.yml file located in the root of the project. Keep them when you run tests. Otherwise, the tests may fail for others, even if they succeed in your local environment.

You can find a list of all make targets in the Makefile. For example, make test will run frontend and backend unit tests. Wrong filesystem permissions can be fixed by running make fix-permissions in a terminal.

Optional: Build the Frontend in Watch Mode

The integrated web server not only provides the backend API, but is also used to serve static assets. These can be automatically rebuilt (updated) when you change a file. To do this, run the following command in a terminal, either inside or outside the container (outside is faster if your host is not running Linux):

make watch-js

Alternatively, you can change to the frontend directory and run NPM directly:

cd frontend
npm run watch

To update the frontend dependencies, also change to the frontend directory and run:

npm update

Optional: Use a Go Debugger

To debug the backend Go code, first make sure you have built and run the containers as described above:

make docker-build
docker compose up

Note: If you make changes in the Dockerfile to test things out, you can build and run the photoprism container individually:

docker compose build photoprism
docker compose up photoprism

Then open a terminal to the container as described above:

make terminal

and if you made code changes, make sure the rebuild the Go code:

make build-go

You can then run the Delve command from inside the container to start the debugger - the command-line options can be customized based on your needs:

dlv --listen=:40000 --headless=true --log=true --log-output=debugger,debuglineerr,gdbwire,lldbout,rpc --accept-multiclient --api-version=2 exec ./photoprism -- start

Once you run this command, you can use VSCode or Goland to add breakpoints and step through breakpoints in the code. Follow the instructions here to set up VSCode, and here to set up Goland to connect to the debugger.

Once the debugger is running, you can view the app at http://localhost:2342/ and debug the code.


  • Radomir Sohlich wrote a pragmatic introduction to Makefiles for Go developers
  • we are using Go Modules for managing our dependencies (new in 1.11)
  • this guide was not tested on Windows, you might need to edit your compose.yaml or docker-compose.yml to make it work with Windows specific paths

Apple Silicon, Raspberry Pi, and ARM64

Our development environment has been built into a single multi-arch image for 64-bit AMD, Intel, and ARM processors. That means, Apple Silicon, Raspberry Pi 3 / 4, and other ARM64-based devices can pull from the same repository.

Multi-Arch Docker Builds

For information about multi-architecture Docker builds, see the following documentation:

QEMU Quick Start

  1. install qemu-user-static from docker hub: docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes multiarch/qemu-user-static
  2. verify that dockers buildx command is installed docker buildx version. if missing, follow install instructions here
  3. create buildx builder: docker buildx create --name multiarch-builder && docker buildx inspect --builder multiarch-builder --bootstrap
  4. start building: make docker-development-multiarch or make docker-photoprism-multiarch

  1. Instead of using Docker, you can also set up your own build environment based on the steps documented in the Dockerfiles we provide. For this, you should have at least Go 1.22, TensorFlow for C, Make, NPM 10 and MariaDB 11 installed. Note that the test results will be unreliable without Docker. This method is therefore not well suited for contributors and we cannot provide support if something does not work as expected. 

  2. If the Git config value "core.autocrlf" is set to "true", the following error may occur when trying to run shell scripts or Make targets: env: bash\r: No such file or directory 

  3. Docker uses human-readable Dockerfiles that contain all the commands a user would invoke in a terminal to assemble a complete application image.