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Sharing Albums via Link

Create sharing links to share albums, moments, calendar months, states or folders with your friends.

Your friends are able to view and download photos from shared albums. Photos marked as private won't show up.


When link visitors click on the location of a photo, they can view the photos of the shared album in the map view


Clicking allows link visitors to end their session.

Support for optional password protection of sharing links as well as other enhancements are planned.

  1. Go to Albums / Moments / Calendar / States / Folders
  2. Select the album you want to share
  3. Open the context menu
  4. Click


  1. Go to Albums / Moments / Calendar / States / Folders
  2. Open the album by clicking on it
  3. Click



  1. Click to open the link details
  2. Set a secret and expiry date
  3. Click save


  4. Copy the link by clicking on it


  5. Share it with your friends

Share multiple albums with one link

You can share multiple albums using the same link by using the same secret.

You can create additional links with different secrets and expiry dates by clicking .

  1. Go to Albums
  2. Click on the album cover


  3. Click

  4. Click
